Wednesday, May 3, 2017

May 3rd

Update on Cezar's Condition

Met with Cezar's Rad Onco today. Repeat scan will be in August with periodical xrays in June and July. This is to allow the inflammation in the area surrounding the tumor to go down. Right now the only indicator we have that the tumor has gotten smaller are the ff

  • Tumor protruding his gums no longer visible
  • Pain meds cut down significantly with no issues
  • Cezar can now open his right eye without getting dizzy (he still keeps it closed because of the double vision)
  • Right eye no longer bulging
  • He can smell on and off now
  • Part of the tumor visible inside his right nostril can no longer be seen
  • Bridge of the nose no longer tilts to the left

Right now our goal is for him to gain weight in prep for his surgery. Doc says the sores will heal in a week or two so it will no longer be painful to swallow, talk, or eat. In the next few weeks as the swelling goes down he will be able to breathe normally again. It's a long wait but we trust in God's plan and know that His timing is always right. Please pray for Cezar's healing. As always, thank you all for the support and God bless you all!

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