Monday, April 10, 2017

April 10th

Update on Cezar's Condition

April 5 - Discharge from UERM

April 6,7,8 - Resume radiotherapy

He now has visible radiation burns on his face and neck. He has also started losing hair at the back of his head. He has several bald patches mostly near the nape area. As a result of his severe vomiting episodes last week, his throat is swollen and badly infected which makes it difficult for him to speak, eat, and take sips of water. He is now 100% PEG tube fed with formula (all his meds go in through the tube too). His weight is fluctuating but he is walking a lot which is still something to celebrate. His biopsy slides have been sent to another hospital for rereading (doctors want to make sure the cancer is indeed squamous cell). Next CBC is scheduled on wednesday April 12. God willing, we get good results there. It's a very tiring battle, but it's one we intend to win. I gave him a haircut earlier, and I'm just so happy to have spent another day with him. Please pray for his healing. Stay safe and God bless us all.

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