Wednesday, April 5, 2017

April 5th

Update on Cezar's Condition

April 2 - Nosebleed still hasn't stopped since night of April 1st. Still vomiting. Doctors instructed no food no water until further notice.

April 3 - Cezar received 5 units of blood platelet concentrate because his platelet was going down fast, same goes for his bp. Still vomiting and nose still bleeding. Surg onco visited and checked his MRI plates. He said the mass is now close to the bone protecting the brain and he may need to operate soon (and that we may need a neurosurgeon). He told us he'll get back to us after he has reviewed the plates.

April 4 - Vomiting has stopped, bleeding has gone down. Surg onco dropped by and said he made a mistake. It wasn't actually the tumor that he saw close to the brain - it was sinusitis (praise God!). We just have to complete chemo and radiation and then discuss the surgery after. We now have go signal to feed through his PEG tube. His color has returned and he was able to finally sleep straight. ENTs checked to see what was causing the bleeding. They had to pack Cezar's nose with dissolvable gauze and put in some meds to help stop the bleeding. Left nostril although congested by the mass, is perfectly healthy. The bleeding will be reassessed tomorrow. If it has stopped completely we will be sent home. Praying for this to happen so we can catch up on missed radiotherapy sessions. There was an earthquake tonight, but we are safe (thank you again God!) and ready to fight another day.

Stay safe everyone, please include us in your prayers. We are praying for everyone's health, happiness, and peace.

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