Saturday, April 29, 2017

One last radiotherapy session

Update on Cezar's Condition

Monday will be the last day of radiotherapy. Treatment summary and next steps will be discussed on Wednesday. Appointment with oral surgeon later to replace Cezar's plastic crowns (without them the teeth underneath will hurt a lot, we cannot afford titanium crowns and infused to metal crowns will be an issue when he comes in for an MRI and they're pricey too). We're trying our best to keep him hydrated and surprisingly chemo side effects weren't as bad as they were the last 2 cycles.

We're asking for prayers that his surgery be scheduled soon. I know God will take care of my husband and I know God will heal him. Please join us in prayer as we ask God for guidance, strength, and the will to fight this disease. Thank you and may God bless us all!

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