Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Done with chemotherapy!

Update on Cezar's Condition

Done with chemotherapy! 4 more radiotherapy sessions then we talk to Cezar's doctors for the next step. He told me he has been feeling less pressure on his right eye and although the same eye still has double vision, he is able to open it without getting dizzy.

WBC is now close to normal, same with his platelets. Chemo can be harsh but he's holding up and we've been praying a lot. We're just doing our best to keep him hydrated and hopefully the side effects will wear off soon.

His salivary glands seem to be drying up from all the radiation. Now he's dealing with dry mouth that's worse than ever, but at least his neck burns have gotten better and we have been able to keep his weight at 62kgs. Unlike his last 2 chemo cycles, he has more energy now and he's more talkative.

Thank you guys for all the prayers. We are also praying for all of you. May God bless us all!

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